One Act of Peace
Making a difference is easy. You just make the choice to practice “An Act of Peace a Day.”
Anybody and everybody can become an official Peace Team Member by participating in the movement: adults, youth, even children. You could start with offering a simple smile. Kindness and consideration are contagious. Before you know it, your small Act of Peace will make other people want to extend the peace in their own way. So spread the word. Tell people about the movement and what it stands for: enriching our communities, strengthening our relationships and shaping our world through small acts of peace one day at a time.
Cedar Mentorship Program
Join the Cedar Mentorship Program
The Cedar Mentorship program serves to connect secondary school pupils (ages 13-17 i.e. JSS3 to SS3) in Nigeria with adult Nigerian professionals locally and in the diaspora (North America and Europe).
The objective is to have Mentors share stories, advice, offer support and guidance in business generation, professional excellence, academic achievement, and social life improvement.
Cedar also offers a counselling session every Saturday for our mentees.
Our mentees are required to participate in community service activities either by themselves or with the counselors in the One Act of Peace program. This occurs twice a month.
Background of the “Cedar”
The name Cedar was chosen because of the Cedar tree. Just like the Cedar tree grows downwards (in that it takes its root downwards, deeper than other trees), the Cedar Mentorship Program is fundamentally taking our Mentees through the downwards process and showing them the best way to take root. In this instance in their professions and personal lives because that is the only way they can shine and be outstanding.
The Mentorship Program is a depth/character training program. The Cedar tree has other characteristics but the most important characteristic is that it has posterity and prosperity. In the sense that even when our Mentees are no more, their impact would still be felt on the earth.
How to Apply
Mentees are encouraged to apply. The process involves filling an application form and going through an interview with the Coordinators.
Parental consent is required before enrolment in the program.
Upon acceptance into the program, mentees are required to read, acknowledge and sign our Code of Conduct.
Does your organization want to give acts of peace?
:: religious organizations
:: community clubs
:: exchange students
Does your organization want to give acts of peace?
:: religious organizations
:: community clubs
:: exchange students